It was about 2 years ago exactly…
When I sat down to write about an epic ride I did with 2 friends in March of 2014, but I just couldn’t seem to get inspired by what I was writing and ended up putting it off… until now. We called it the “5 Pint Century” ride and I’m getting ready to do it again. Except this time, I’m opening it up for anyone, anywhere, anytime; in the form of BeersNGears’ first ever challenge.
BeersNGears is all about getting more people on bikes and that typically means having events and rides that anyone can do. So rides generally end up being under 20 miles but who doesn’t like to get out and stretch our legs from time to time and who isn’t a fan of a good challenge?
The challenge is simple yet epic
Put together your own century (100 mile) ride and include 5 stops for a frosty pint along the way. Preferably at breweries, but any local watering hole that sells pints will do. All 100+ miles need to be ridden within a 24 hour period. Send in your GPS route and copies of your receipts from the five stops along with $25 and you’ll get your very own official “5 Pint Century” finisher’s patch and a BeersNGears pint glass long with your route posted on the finisher’s page on the BeersNGears website.
You also have the option of entering the BeersNGears sanctioned “5 Pint Century” with support.

I have put together a 110 mile ride which includes stops at Joymonger and Gibbs Hundred in Greensboro, Four Saints in Asheboro, Brown Truck in High Point, and last but not least, Hoots when we return to Winston-Salem. There will be a sag-wagon available to put extra food, water, or clothes in and pick you up in case of a mechanical. Yours truly will be leading this fiascoe at a 10-11 mph pace.
I would be pumped to see many of you complete your first ever century ride with us, and I would suggest that you feel comfortable doing 60 miles with minimal support before attempting your first century. I will be riding at a easy-moderate pace but it will still be difficult physically, and probably more so mentally.
We will meet at Hoots Roller Bar on Saturday, September 24th at 8:45 and roll out by 9am and the whole ride is expected to take roughly 12 hours. The entry fee is $50 and includes pizza at Four Saints Brewing and a limited edition 5 Pint Century jersey with the artwork by done by Ian (only available with your entry fee). If you’re interested, but need more info, leave a comment below or send us a message.
Life, like riding a bicycle, is about taking on new adventures, challenging ourselves, experiencing new places and making lots of friends along the way. I hope you’ll take the 5 Pint Century challenge, earn the coveted finishers items and have a ride to brag about for the rest of your life!
If you’re up for the challenge and have a love for adventure, you can reserve your spot on the ride by clicking below.
The ride:
Artwork provided by Ian Bredice
Ian Bredice, local artist of the Winston-Salem area started his life in Michigan where he once told his principle that his parents didn’t have a phone to avoid getting in trouble. Flash forward to those delicate college years; Ian attended a bougie arts-based university called Albion College, graduating in 2005 with a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts with special focus on bronze sculpture. After college (and a big move down south) Ian put paint to canvas for the first time in his artistic career and it was like when Shadow comes back at the end of “Homeward Bound”. There was no looking back. With inspiration taken heavily from 1950’s atomic design, classic horror movies and anything not on the beaten path. A signature theme throughout most of his artwork, Ian enjoys painting robots more than anything else. From small little rocket-bots to giant Robotopolis with towns and forests all over him. Ian’s day job is a sign artist at Trader Joe’s, he is married to his lovely wife Kelsey and they enjoy spending time with their five pets.
You can find his art at