When trying to come up with ideas for things to write about for this Cranksgiving post, I thought I would brush up on my history of the original Thanksgiving and the first thing that popped out to me is, apparently I should have learned this better as a kid since nearly all of the first page of the search results were for children. The second bit I took notice of was this federal holiday originated as a harvest festival. Which might be a gimme for some people but I don’t think the majority of us know what that really means.
Having a harvest festival in 1621 meant you wouldn’t starve over the coming winter.
Many of the settlers coming to America would not make it through their first winter and these days, we can plan a three day party like the Pilgrims and Native Americans did and have it catered. We don’t even have to cook it. Today, we live in a society of plenty and while most of us will never know what it truly means to be hungry, there are still Americans who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. So to plan for a Thanksgiving turkey with all the fixin’s is probably not in cards and it’s pretty hard to have a harvest festival without the harvest.
In 2014, 48.1 million Americans lived in a food-insecure household.
At BeersNGears, we feel it’s a tragedy that we live in one of the wealthiest nations on earth with the smartest people and the top universities and we can’t figure out how to make sure the very basics of living are obtainable by every single person that lives in this country, but that’s reality.
Now, I’ll admit I’m a dreamer and I do dream of a reality where Americans don’t have to worry about whether to pay their electric bill or buy groceries. Where every American can sit down at a table with friends and family and have stuff to be thankful for and where every American does their part to make that a reality.
I also know dreams can become reality but, how? Wishful thoughts alone don’t seem to produce the results I’m looking for so we must need to take action.
And what action can BeersNGears do to make this a reality?
Do what we do best… drink beer and ride bikes!
Let me explain.
We have partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina and Foothills Brewery to host Winston-Salem’s first ever Cranksgiving! On November 19th we’re going to send out an army of cyclists to local stores to collect items for a delicious Thanksgiving meal and bring them back to Foothills so Second Harvest can distribute them to those less fortunate in our community.
Riders of all ages and abilities can participate in this cross between a food drive and bicycle scavenger hunt. Registration is free but plan to spend $10-20 (or more if you’re feeling generous) on groceries. We’ll hand out a map with grocery stores and a list of items you can buy. You just need a bike, a lock, and a bag to haul your donations. Use our planned route or create your own. Participate as an individual or as a team of up to 4 people.
We’ll be giving out prizes to the male, female and team with the most points and one prize for the best Thanksgiving themed costume.
But Cranksgiving is not about competition, it’s about taking care of our neighbors so they can have enjoy a feast this Thanksgiving and having fun riding bikes… and maybe drinking a beer afterward.
Speaking of beer, Foothills will be donating 10% of sales from Cranksgiving participants on the day of the event to Second Harvest Food Bank. So be sure to grab some food and drink before and after the ride to help Second Harvest continue doing their great work all year long!
Check out the Facebook event for more info and updates. We hope to see you at the first annual Cranksgiving ride in Winston-Salem!
You can also help us spread the word! Download the poster, print copies and post them around your neighborhood and/or workplaces. And be sure to invite your friends!
If your business would like to donate a prize, cash or service for the ride or you are interested in volunteering at the event please send us a message.
The Cranksgiving artwork was created by Grace Washko.

Grace Washko is a blossoming illustrator/designer who hails from the land of ice and snow or as it it’s natives call it, Minnesota. Upon graduating Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) she moved to North Carolina to pursue a career in both graphic design and illustration. With a passion for both science and art she draws inspiration from the natural world, human history, literature and a broad range of cultural motifs.
You can see her awesome work HERE
Sources: wikipedia and feedingamerica.org