I’m a weekend warrior, and quite proud of it! Albeit, sometimes my weekend lasts for several months. The reason I say, “I’m a weekend warrior” is because I don’t have a training regimen, I don’t have time to prioritize riding over working, and I’m currently eating pizza and drinking a beer, for lunch. Not to mention, sometimes I may take a little while off the bike. It may be because I want to do a bunch of rock climbing, or maybe I want to work on my disc golf game. Whatever the case is, sometimes other activities get priority over riding, and that makes me, by definition, a weekend warrior. I’m here to tell you, “that’s just fine.”

There definitely seems to be a stigma attached to the term “weekend warrior”. Most of the time, it’s used negatively. It gets attached to people who’s equipment may not be up to par. I’ve also heard people use it in reference to someone’s riding ability. However, the truth is, we all have real lives. Most of us can’t afford to ride everyday, or even every other day. The best part is, it doesn’t matter how often you ride, what kind of bike you have, or what discipline is your favorite, everyone has the same goals when going out. To ride further, to ride faster, to ride better. It’s truly a good place to be. Just never forget the reason why you ride. For me, it’s because I’ve never gotten done riding and thought, that was terrible, I’m never doing that again. I’ve always had a good time.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, embrace where you’re at. If that’s riding everyday, love it! If that means riding on Saturdays on the local trails, own it! If you’re a commuter, live it! Enjoy life!